Paperback Now Available
The paperback has been out for a little while, but I realized that I didn’t make an official announcement. So, here it is. The e-book and paperback are both available through, while only the paperback can be ordered from … Continued
Melanie Clough
Hi Fran,
Last December I went to California to clean out my uncle’s home and storage unit when my sister was moving him to Michigan. My son and I packed a rental van full of things and drove them to Colorado. I then flew back to Florida with some hippie clothes and a sack full of letters that spanned the 70s to 90s.
Tonight, I’m finally reading them. One from 1979 from my grandmother tells my uncle that my grandfather “finished Marvin & Tige and loved it.” She goes on to say she hopes it becomes a movie and then writes a tongue-in-cheek bit about how a conversation between you, as consultant, and the director might go down. It made me think they may have known you.
My uncle is Jimmy Kelly who graduated from East Atlanta High School in 1964. My grandmother was Frances Kelly and she worked at WC Smith Publishing until about 75 or 76, I think.
Anyway, I have added both editions to my “Read” list.
Wishing you well!